
Showing posts from March, 2019

The work of the Holy Trinity

Reflection on the work of the Holy Trinity in our life. Synopsis :- > Everything that the Father gives Jesus, He never drives away. (Jn 6:37) > Because for Jesus, doing God's will is a priority. (Jn 6:38) > And the will of God is, not to lose anything that God gives Him on the last day. (Jn. 6:39) > The Father teaches his children. They are the ones who hear and learn from the Father. (Jn. 6:45) > Those who read God's Word have already been made clean. (Jn 15:3) > Jesus sends His Advocate from the Father, the Holy Spirit, He will testify about Christ, convict us of our sin, make us righteous and finally a clean soul during the Judgement day. Reflection:- Often we are posed with this dilemma, "Is God with us in our struggle?" How do I sought to do the Will of God in my life? Who is the one I need to look to? Who can help me out with it? How does God, Jesus and Holy Spirit work in our lives? Jesus, in His public ministry on...

Who do you say that I am?

Short reflection on "Who do you say I am?"   Synopsis:- Mk. 8:27-38 and Lk 9:18-27 > Jesus asks His disciples who people say that He is? > They reply; John the Baptist, Elijah, or some other prophets > Then Jesus asks their view on Him > Peter says Messiah > Jesus orders them not to tell anyone because He has to undergo suffering and rejection from elders, chief priests and Scribes > Ultimately be killed but on the third day He would rise again > Then Jesus keeps the ball in their court i.e. if they want to follow Him > Self denial and embracing the daily cross thereby following Him > Some want to save life, but Jesus says you have to lose it for the sake of the Gospel > Famous scripture:- For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life? Mark 8:36 NRSV  > What can one give in return for their life? > Those who are ashamed of Christ and His words, beware, for even Jesus will be asham...

Temptations of Jesus

Short reflection on the Temptations of Jesus  Synopsis:- (Lk. 4:1-13) > Jesus full of the Holy Spirit is led by the Holy Spirit in wilderness > Fasts for 40days and gets tempted by devil > 1st temptation:- to turn stone into bread > 2nd temptation:- lure of the kingdom of the world > 3rd temptation:- jumping off the cliff and Angels will come to the rescue > Devil flees away Reflection:-  If you see the previous and the successive chapters you will find "Baptism of Jesus" and "The beginning of the Galilean ministry" respectively. Once Jesus was baptized, He was full of the Holy Spirit and it was the Holy Spirit who led Him in the wilderness to be tested by Devil. How often we too who cling to Christ have often been put to difficult times?? Like how silver and gold are put to test, God tests our heart. The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, but the Lord tests the heart. Proverbs 17:3 NRSV.    So then why...

Do I deserve Heaven?

A short reflection on "Do I deserve Heaven?" Synopsis:- Lk. 10:25-37 ( Parable of the good Samaritan ) > A lawyer/teacher of the law asks Jesus on how will I inherit eternal life? > 1st reply by Jesus was " What is written in the law" or in short have you read the scriptures? > 2nd reply " what do you read or how you interpret it? > The teacher of the law gives the right answer i.e. Love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself. > Jesus compliments on the right answer and tells him to follow that. > But the lawyer tries to justify who's the neighbor? > And the parable begins. > A man is stripped, beaten up and the robbers run away and left half dead > A priest passes by but ignores him > A Levite passes by and also ignores > But a good Samaritan out of mercy reaches out to the man's aid. > The Jesus quest...