
Showing posts from May, 2019

The masks we wear

A short reflection on wearing masks We all have secrets hidden in our lives and we often put masks over our face to hide them. We keep our friend circle small and share it with a few. But alas! It's gone out like a gas-perfume. How do I know whom to trust in life? Read more to find out... According to the Bible, it is okay to not to share about your life with others. Often we are confused with the dilemma on whom to trust my secrets with and whom not to trust. Sometimes, we might have been left dismayed by that fact that we actually let it out to someone and whether that secret is going to remain a secret or not? So it triggers our trust factor while dealing with people since then. And hence we wear masks! I believe, each person is a born actor/actresses. Because your life might be a haywire, but you hide it with a smile. We all know whom to share what, regarding our lives. And it's correct to do so. I'll give some points in this blog to help you out:- 1...

How to cope up with frustrations and disappointments

How to cope with frustrations and disappointments? Key Scripture:- I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11 NRSV Reflection:- This topic made me contemplate for days together as things were running haywire in my life. I sat down frustrated with things, not knowing what to do with life. One way Jesus says "surrender your burdens to Me" and the other way, I try my best to cope with the frustration. This blog is all about that! As days went by, one morning the Lord spoke to me saying, "All these things that are happening in your life are to mortify you, to make you pure and to examine your faith. Trust in me, for you are my Child and I love you!". These words of hope gave me sudden joy and I was at peace amidst all the turmoil.  We all go through frustrating moments, and then we exclaim, "why Lord why??? Why all bad things are happening only with me??" This reminds me of w...

Jesus and Beelzebul

A short reflection on Jesus and Beelzebul Synopsis:- (Lk. 11:14-23; Mt. 12:22-32; Mk. 3: 19b - 30) > Jesus casts a demon from a mute person > He starts to speak and people get amazed > But, Pharisees and Scribes say that it's done by the power of Beelzebul- ruler of the demons > While some demand for a sign from heaven > Jesus knows their thoughts and says, " every kingdom divided against itself becomes a desert, and house falls on house". > If Satan is divided then even he can't stand > Jesus inquires about their exorcists' authority to cast demons > The ones whom you hold your belief on becomes your judge > Jesus speaks about finger of God in removing the demon > And hence, the proclaimation of kingdom of God > Analogy of strong man and another even stronger him. > " Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters". Reflection:- In this episode we see Jesus be...