How to cope up with frustrations and disappointments

How to cope with frustrations and disappointments?

Key Scripture:- I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.
John 15:11 NRSV

Reflection:- This topic made me contemplate for days together as things were running haywire in my life. I sat down frustrated with things, not knowing what to do with life. One way Jesus says "surrender your burdens to Me" and the other way, I try my best to cope with the frustration. This blog is all about that!

As days went by, one morning the Lord spoke to me saying, "All these things that are happening in your life are to mortify you, to make you pure and to examine your faith. Trust in me, for you are my Child and I love you!". These words of hope gave me sudden joy and I was at peace amidst all the turmoil. 

We all go through frustrating moments, and then we exclaim, "why Lord why??? Why all bad things are happening only with me??" This reminds me of what the Psalmist had said, which were also the same words of Jesus on the Cross:

My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? I have cried desperately for help, but still it does not come.
Psalm 22:1 GNT

Our prayer is always to take away the sufferings, and to enjoy a worry-free life, but do we ever praise God in such sufferings? Because it gives us an opportunity to take part in the sufferings of Jesus. 

Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10 NRSV

Jesus uses the key scripture of this blog 3 times in the Gospel of John. (Jn 15:11, Jn 16:24 & Jn 17:13) But why? This scripture makes us all the more adamant about the fact that Jesus loves us so very much and wants us to be at peace at all times. 

I tell you my brothers and sisters in Christ, that Yes, fellowshipping with the Lord and especially with the Holy Spirit can really transform your life. The joy and the peace that you experience is far more indescribable. Love your Lord Jesus to the core and in your personal supplications, speak to the Lord your heart's desires. If the problem does not stop then, God will give you the grace to overcome it! For the Bible says "Grace is all you need!" 

Trust in the Lord at all times and know that He is in control of your situation until you allow Him to.

Praise God❤


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