Prodigal Son
Reflection on the "Prodigal son"
Key scripture:- Luke 15:11-32
We all know this parable of the Prodigal son very well. But in this article I was inspired to jolt down about the application of this parable in the modern generation.
What does prodigal actually mean? According to Google, a person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way. So here we have a father and two sons and most of us are like the younger one, who often feels that the outside world is far more fascinating then what we are living in right now. We are amused by the pictures of people on Instagram, Facebook, etc. and we alas! "I wish that I could also go on such extravagant tours" or " I wish I had so many followers and likes to my post." This leads us to get saddened and curse ourselves on not having such a good life.
We all make the efforts to the point of blackmailing our parents to often give us things which probably they cannot afford too. But for the sake of love and to win their heart, they make such painstaking expenditures. When we act like this, don't you feel we turn ourselves like this prodigal son mentioned in the Gospel? For we are demanding our parents for things which we are prone to get in near future somehow.
Ask yourself these questions today:-
Do I envy people on the basis of their possessions?
Do I feel that I'm not fit to be in a particular group of people?
Do I make efforts to be a part of my/some elite friend-circle?
Do I blackmail my parents for things?
Parents are a gift from God. The luckiest thing we had during our time was that they could spank us and correct when we aren't listening. Nowadays, neither parents nor teachers can spank a kid. See, what the Bible has to say on this:-
Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them are diligent to discipline them.
Proverbs 13:24 NRSV
Do not make such mistakes of pressurizing your parents. Things will fall into its place when God wills it to be. Until then enjoy what the life has in store for you. Nothing can ever satisfy a person. He will always want more and more. We are worth more than all these things. These things which are today latest, will be old tomorrow. The biggest asset of a parent is their kid. They are willing to spend whatever it takes for their education, personality development, etc. so that they may not be a liability in their old age and to their spouses and future kids.
Life will be fruitful when you trust in God that He will supply all our needs.(Phil 4:19) Most of the times we ask for wrong things in life( Jam 4:3)
Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from? Do they not come from your cravings that are at war within you? You want something and do not have it; so you commit murder. And you covet something and cannot obtain it; so you engage in disputes and conflicts. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, in order to spend what you get on your pleasures.
James 4:1-3 NRSV
Finally, vanity of vanities is all vanity!
When we spoil our lives on such luxuries, there comes a time when we are kind of empty though we have the best of the things. For instance, Bangalore is called the suicide capital of India. Though the people over there have the best of the jobs, best in class salaries, etc. they are all empty within! Only if they could come back to their senses like the prodigal son and with true repentance in their hearts, return back to the Paradise of God; life would be complete. Though you may not have all the "best of the things" of the world, but, you will have the "best of the peace" which the world cannot offer!
There is no particular time to repent. Now! It's the time! And God in His compassion and mercy, will take you back as His son again. So, if you have tried out all the happiness which the world can offer and yet are filling empty, then, JUST GIVE A CHANCE FOR JESUS!
Praise God❤
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