Is Jesus with us in our sorrow?

On the day of the commemoration of the Souls Day, the Gospel reading is really worth pondering upon. It's about the woman of Nain who loses her only son. Let's go more deeper into this passage and understand it.

When we lose our loved ones, our whole life goes haywire. Some complain to God how could You do this to us? Some go into depression whilst some lose hope in God. The thing that we fail to understand is, everything that happens is according to the will of God, though be it death or life. When Jesus is made witness to the funeral of the woman's son, He was filled with compassion for the woman. Now, we should not forget that, Jesus was also a human being like us. He too weeped, felt thirsty, deeply moved at the death of Lazarus, became joyful etc. So Jesus really understands our sorrow of losing our loved ones. He's presence is with us in the form of people who take care of us when we are in sorrow. Jesus is the one who uses such good Samaritans to comfort us when in pain.

In this Bible passage, Jesus says, "young man, arise!" If we see in the case of the little girl who was dead, Jesus says to her, "Talita cum" which means little girl, get up! And if you compare the story of Jonah, he too dies in the belly of the fish and the Lord [ Whenever, the Old Testament uses "Lord", it refers to Jesus (Phil 2:11)] says to Jonah, "Get up!..." Here the same phrase has been used by Jesus. But when Jesus was dead, the two Angels tell Mary Magdalene that, "Jesus has risen!"(Lk. 24:5). For Jesus says, "He is the resurrection and the life. And whoever believes in Him, will never die."   

Now, to be in union with God after the death of our mortal body, the soul shall be clean. Sometimes, a holy and pious person can directly receive Heaven, whereas some need some light punishment for their cleansing of their soul that's in purgatory while some who lead a really bad and despise God will be doomed to hell. Here are two scriptures one from Old and New testament respectively:

Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Daniel 12:2 NRSV

That slave who knew what his master wanted, but did not prepare himself or do what was wanted, will receive a severe beating(hell). But the one who did not know and did what deserved a beating will receive a light beating(purgatory). From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.
Luke 12:47‭-‬48 NRSV

The Holy Mass is the best place to pray for the souls in purgatory. Sometimes, there could be some souls who are just a prayer away to get to heaven and imagine if you pray for them, you will have someone in Heaven later to pray for you; isn't it cool! 

So to conclude, as Jesus has said that He will be with us till the rest of our lives, He surely will. Treasure the little miracles in your life and don't forget that God is in control and He knows what's the best and you don't need to bother Him to do everything according to your understanding. 

Praise God ❤️


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